Color accuracy is certainly one of the most important attributes in the paint business. Customers want to be confident that the color they bring home in their paint cans is an exact match to the shade they selected from the color card in the store. It makes Color measurement & its reproducibility a vital in coating industries from testing of raw materials to development of finish products. We at Bin Rasheed Scientific deals not only in colors, (Pigments and master batches) but we are proud to be a complete color Solution provider & our success over past 30 years has been the result of relentless pursuit of improved consistency, Quality & service. We believe in educating & equipping our customers to fix all color control challenges by utilization of latest technologies of the World in the field of colors.
To obtain these above results in an efficient way, it is very important to use dispensing system that has been specifically designed for these formulations evaluation. Let’s have a quick look on most advance Hongpu Paints Dispensing Systems. FFM has been a pioneer introducing automating colorant dispensers in the Pakistan market. This automatic paint dispenser implements advanced control technologies designed and manufactured in cooperation with leading international firms.